Minimal truths
Actually its very easy to say less, yet we can still be honest. In terms of making general conversations with people and still getting used to say very less and exactly only whats required to share. Am saying this not to avoid, discredit people’s interest, but just to say enough for the sake of seeing the extent of our own clarity of thought !!
Just listen to people’s question. May it be a general inquiry, a few words instead of hi, a genuine interest in your well being.
Trust me in many situations this avoids a lot of unwanted gossips and stories running around, coming back to us in a veeeeery different way than what we intended or shared to start with ! Rare but happens for sure unexpectedly.
So any question thrown at us — try to answer exactly with only the minute detail. for instance, “Long since i saw your parents….how are they ?!” Actually my parents are at my place. Dad had a heart attack and he is fine now.
General inquiry — This question was coming from a good neighbor from around. If i go about telling this its going to take at least half hour for all the details to share. So instead i just say they are at my place, dad wasn’t well, he is better now, so they are not on the road frequently.
The question is answered and the moment we say all are fine, stops further questioning. Anyway we shared only the truth and they are at my place means, things are taken care of, you need not worry and thanks for your concern
A few words instead of hi — “You look very tired…’ Yes because of the same above reason, i have a overload of work. So instead of “why” the overload happened, i just told, i am running a few extra errands, new responsibilities i had to take and looking forward for the weekend to relax !! and made it simpler. Of course all are looking forward to the weekend and they start to think like same applies to them !!
Genuine interest — A friend of mine knows all these details. I will have to answer, they stood by me when i was very worried. So instead of saying i will talk to you later, i told i will have to meet the doctor for a review and will tell them what happened after that. So that they will know status quo maintained and am planning to talk to them later but will share them good details……
And we will know who we are talking to and how to respond ! This also avoids a lot of gossip, unnecessary chit chats, just that somebody got bored and would fill their ears with our details and forget…….
Its all truth, but only the facts that mattered for that particular moment and not a whole story. Its easy isn’t it ?!